Best High Protein Food

Got Protein?

Best High Protein Foods:

This list shows which foods are high in proteins.  The protein from our food provides essential amino acids. Amino Acids are used by the body to build new proteins and repair the muscles, repair the bone, skin, organs and blood. Without protein, cuts and abrasions will not heal quickly, muscles will not grow and the blood doesn’t clot correctly. Your body needs proteins for growth and to build hormones, antibodies and the enzymes that regulate the chemical reactions within the body.Though protein food is not a high source of energy, it is necessary, in right amounts, for proper functioning of our bodies.

The best proteins are those that are vegan or plant-based sources (except soy and other GMO crops)

The List of the Best High Protein Foods

Highest protein foods - vegetables Highest protein vegetables

prioritized in order of nutritional value are:

Best High Protein Foods - WHEY WHEY Protein shakes


Whey (supplement found…

View original post 2,571 more words

GMAN’s Manifesto 2015-2016


As the year 2015 comes to a close, I take the time to reflect on the most valuable lessons and experiences lived throughout the year. It has been an excellent, productive year; business is expanding, the family is more united, and relationships are flourishing.

I credit this success to a winning formula I adopted and fine-tuned over time that allows me to live the life I want with vision and purpose. It is do what you love. Simple yet complicated depending how you see it. Doing what I love is part of the formula, but there is a catch. The other elements will fall into place; maybe not exactly how I wanted to but they will in due time. Accepting this and letting go of what I can’t control and focus on what I can do are the ingredients necessary to make the formula work.

There are many other lessons and experiences to highlight this year, but I will keep it short. Ten lessons or experiences of 2015 in no particular order:

1. I have learned that even with sincere efforts of trying to help someone else if they don’t want to be helped or not ready for that change, I cannot force onto them. I can hold the door open, but they must walk through themselves.

2. Focus is on what I want in my life, NOT in what I don’t want. This goes hand in hand with life expectations. Expect little or nothing from people. Do what I can and let God do what I can’t do or have no control over it. As a result, I got fewer disappointments. It’s all good .

3. Coffee, grass-fed butter, and coconut oil = Bulletproof Coffee. Drink daily.

4. Getting rid of cable TV has been best decision this year. I was sick and tired of the drug commercials and mediocre programming. I now have total control of what I want to allow in my house. It’s a powerful feeling and honestly, the most responsible thing I have done.

5. Regular Intermittent fasting was a critical factor in resetting my system along with the total elimination of sugar and processed foods. Detox first for two weeks and then intermittent fasting. The cravings and other afflictions were gone in a matter of days after detox. The challenge is in keeping it up. Discipline, discipline is the key.

6. How’s my breathing, am I relaxed? What did I eat earlier today? How is my posture? Can I do this in a different way? Keeping a mental checklist and rehearsal to check how I feel at any moment is a good habit to practice daily.

7. Quality over quantity, always. The quality of the time I spend with wife and family; quality of service I offer, quality of relationships in my life, quality of food I eat and quality of thoughts and visuals I allow to enter my mind.

8. It is not my job to judge anyone or jump to conclusions just by how people look or even by their actions. I don’t know their full story, nor I am walking in their shoes.

9. I am reminded that’s solitude is  part of my reformation and through traveling is where I find it. There is a reason things are happening this way and why they are what they are. I should not question it but instead, I have embraced it.

10. There are no failures only lessons learned. That being said, if it still shows up one way or another in my life it is because I have not learned that lesson fully yet. And, just because it has happened before doesn’t mean that it will happen again in the same way. Circumstances may be similar, but the outcome is entirely different.

I welcome the year 2016 with enthusiasm and look forward to new challenges and adventures. Bring it on!


What I Missed from Doing a Facebook Fasting and How to Do It


I’m back, what did I miss? Maybe something important or maybe nothing at all.

For those who had birthdays  and I forgot because facebook didn’t notified me, happy belated birthday.

What did I miss from facebook?

I missed my facebook memories. I really enjoy going back in time, see how my children have grown, smile at the good memories shared with friends and family and more importantly seeing how far I have come to be the person I am today.

I missed posts from pages and people whom I value, whose posts inspired me with fresh ideas and motivates me to continue designing and living life exactly the way I want it. If you are reading this, you add value to my life.

It has taken me some time to organize facebook  in a way that brings value, without the drama and negative stuff that has no place in my life. It requires a major overhaul in the beginning but little maintenance afterwards.

If you’re interested, I have some suggestions that you can start doing to tailor facebook to your liking if facebook is something you want to keep your life.

You must decide first why are you doing it and what do you want to get out of it? No purpose equals no value. It will mean nothing if you don’t know why.

1. Go on a week-long Facebook fasting. This is no little task for the heavy user but it’s completely doable, trust me. Life will not end if you quit and your social life will continue with or without you. That is a fact .

2. Log off from Facebook and delete or uninstall the app. This is a must as Facebook will find a way to get back at you to tell you the wonderful things that you’re missing out and the hundred of notifications  you have pending to read from your friends and favorite pages.

3. Resist the urge to check facebook, period! First day is the worse as your natural habit of checking in kicks in, but as you find other things to do , it becomes a little easier to manage. It all depends the kind of stuff you’re hooked on.

By the time you finish your week long fasting you will realize where your time attention and priorities have gone and where are they now? What is important  to you now and how you will handle it should you decide to return to facebook?

One thing you learn for sure is that your time is much more valuable than you think it is.

12 Steps to Following a Bulletproof Diet | Rodale Wellness

Here it is, 12 steps to following a Bulletproof diet. It’s the blueprint to better health. I started this diet a while back and have to say that I’m ten pounds lighter and dropped an inch and a half on my waistline.  Most significant change it is  how good I feel about myself and about life.

Getting over step # 1 is a must. I also recommend doing a fast prior to starting the diet to reset your digestive system.

Good luck 🙂

Mental Health May Depend on the Health of Your Gut Flora

I’m an advocate of good health and strongly believe there is a connection between the gut and the brain. I came to this conclusion on my own by experimenting with intermittent fasting in an attempt to reset my digestive system and change my eating habits.

The results were  life changing. The total elimination of sugar and any processed food allowed me to really feel this connection with my brain and my gut. I no longer had the mental fog that was blocking me from thinking clearly, I was not feeling anxious anymore, in fact I was feeling giddy and optimistic about my day. Physically, I no longer had sporadic rashes on my skin, I started to see changes on my nails and the texture of my hair in my energy levels were much better that what they used to be.

Now I watch what I eat, take my time to read the ingredient labels, take my probiotics every morning and eat fermented foods. After experiencing the change that I feel today there is no way I’m going back to my old eating habits.

I found the article below to be a good source of information to start changing your diet for the better.

The 7-Minute Scientific Workout App

This little app has been part of my morning ritual for a while. It passed the GMAN’s test and it’s perfect for anyone whom claims to have a busy schedule. It is also great to do with your significant other and even your children for challenge or fun.

Take the challenge and start feeling better just 7 minutes every morning.

Absolutely and Positively Yes, I AM Doing It!


It’s never the right time or ideal  circumstances. Time doesn’t wait for you and your current circumstances are the platform to take on new opportunities  and build the life you always wanted.

Don’t make excuses or justify why you’re not doing this and that or procrastinate about it.  Neither play down the efforts of those who are being, doing and having the life they want. If you cannot join or lead them , then get out of their way.

Do something every day that will get you closer to your dreams.
Write down a goal and start working on it. The details will work out for themselves. You just need to get started and right now it’s the best time.

It won’t be easy, you know that; it may be challenging, of course it will be. Anything unknown creates uncertainty and even fear. However, it doesn’t have to be.
Embrace challenges; accept them as they are and turn them into oppotunities if you just step of of your comfort  zone and take the first step.

It will be challenging but I tell you, it will be totally worth it.  A year from today, you’ll look back only to see how far you’ve gone.

So go on, get started!

Don’t just DO Systema

When to DO Systema?

A common question people ask and one you should consider is “when to DO Systema?” If you think of it as traditional martial arts or even as a sport, then you DO it when you get to the dojo or gym for the time you have allocated for it. The benefits you gain are based on the time dedicated and of course your efforts.

However, Systema is an art that is quite remarkable from others. It’s core principles promote self awareness on the essentials of life towards a state of total well being.

Think about it for a minute: you cannot live if you don’t BREATHE,  can’t stay RELAXED if your body STRUCTURE is tensed and out of balance and finally you cannot MOVE freely if you don’t have all of the above together. You’ll be walking like a robot or zombie which is what you see other people do when you look around. Put this four elements into any combination and you will notice that without complete synergy of all, you cannot DO Systema.

In conclusion, Systema is not something you DO is something you LIVE, everyday and all the time. Its starts from the moment of waking up to the time to go bed; it’s constant awareness of every principle: how is my breathing?, am I relaxed? how is my posture? In what way can I move more efficiently ? How can I improve and apply Systema more effectively in my daily life?

It is overall, at least in my opinion, a  lifestyle and not a sport. It’s an art that develops what you already know but have not been aware of. Like our chief instructor Vladimir Vasiliev says “Systema enhance not only your skills but your health and well-being  as well.”

I don’t just Do Systema , I live Systema!

To health and wellness ~Carlos Guzman