Get Happy Right Now

Nobody likes to be sad; ask anyone around and most definitive no one will tell you that they like to be unhappy. For the past two weeks have been going through some tough and uncertain times and despite of my positive mental attitude, I sometimes feel frustrated about things not going the way I expect them to and anxious about the future. My days were feeling like riding a fast roller coaster up and down and through gut wrenching turns.

Everybody wants to be happy and will do anything just to be happy. Some people like to go on a shopping spree when they’re feeling down, others like to do good things for others to feel happy themselves. Being who I am, I wanted to eradicate this frustration and anxiety out of my system and started to look for ways to be instantly happy. I knew that it doesn’t take much for the negativity, anger, frustration and even depression to bring one down, especially when feeling weak and low. Having experienced the power of gratitude, I chose to be grateful for the things I DO have, for the people I have in my life and the exciting things waiting for me even though I have no idea of the outcome. This alone makes me feel instantly happy but it needs continuous reinforcement to help from it effectively. Stepping out of the task at hand particularly when I feel stuck and do something different and spontaneous also helps me to improve my mood. The solution always seems to find its way when I return to the task with a fresh and clear mind. Another source of instant happiness: the Internet. You can search keywords for articles to help you in any situation. One click leads to another and soon you’ll find the answer you have looked even though you didn’t know what you were looking for in the first place. I found a super-awesome post on by Kevin Nalty about how to be happy now. I like it so much and it needs to be shared.

When you’re feeling down, frustrated and overwhelmed with the happenings in your life, start looking for a way to be happy instead of finding someone or something to blame for your troubles. Remember, it starts with you and only you have the control of whatever happens to you.

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In recapitulating 2010 goals, achievements and events I have created this manifesto that serves also as the platform for the New Year 2011.

One word can sum-up this year: Awareness!  That is awareness to self, to my feelings, to my surroundings and to other people. Awareness to the things I feel a connection to it, to those I no longer feel connected or identified with it and awareness to the things I need to give up in order receiving new things in my life.  The result of this awareness is the change I feel inside me. It is a constant awareness of improvement to be a better father, husband, son, brother and a friend.

2010 Review:

1.      Discovery: I created a personal journal to log the things I did during the day( where and when),  to record the things I learned and why they’re important to me, any good deeds I did during the day, and a how to manifest my goals as if already happened (Nevillize concept by Joe Vitale). The result was an eye opening experience; 365 days of self -discovery to things I’ve never considered before.

2.      Law of Attraction: I am what I think so all the negative thinking was re-directed towards positive thinking to see the good, the lesson learned and thus the opportunity to make it better. This is dynamite!

3.   Change and responsibility: Believe + Commitment+ Being = Change= Results. This is formula to get what I want in my life.  Responsibility to do what I have to do until it’s done. To know what are my priorities in my life, to know what feels right and do it and to respond to life rather than react to it always moving forward!

4.   Appreciation & Gratitude: enjoy what I have and share it with others. This is the fundamental principle to attract good things in life. Give onto others and good things will happen to you. Do not expect it; it will happen at the right time and place. Trust that it will and God will take care of the rest.

  • Donated blood for the first time ever: major personal leap forward. This is something I will continue do regularly.  I also signed up as a living organ donor to seal my commitment. When it happens and if it happens I will be ready to do what I need to do. No turning back!
  • Help people by giving. Whether is money, time, resource, etc… I know I DO have something to contribute regardless of my current circumstances.  This also led me to get involved in my church community.  What I love about this is that great things started to happen. You can’t go wrong by doing well to others! Being grateful allows me to appreciate the abundance in my life. Thank you God for all the blessings I have and all the blessings I will receive
  • Started automated donations to charities that support school classrooms (, local public radio stations (,  to my local Library ( where I got my motivation and inspiration) and supporting friends who are raising funds for a greater cause: Challenge Athletes Foundation ( CAF) on behalf of my friend David Orman, Smart Ride raising HIV awareness (Jesus Roman), and Susan G. Komen 3-day  for the Cure ( Limayra Melendez).

My Major Experiences:

  • The birth of Ian Karlo (4-16 @ 1:54 PM). He is the newest resident “case worker” in the Guzman family helping his big sister to renew and maintain our marriage relationship in check.
  • Launch of my book: YOU Improved– A Personal Guide to Change and Improve the New Version of YOU. How to change your thinking, Image and Outlook on Life to Get What You Want! This is the byproduct of a decade of learning and experiencing and years of action of being, doing and having.  I’ll carry this tune to 2011.

My Negatives (turned into learning experiences)

  • Emotional rollercoaster: in my relationships, work, businesses, and life.
  • Financial meltdown: business re-organizations and an opportunity for fresh start.

My Positives (life changers)

  • Letting Go-surrender what I can’t control
  • Let go of Ego, act with humility and integrity
  • Do what is possible and trust God with the impossible

My Resources (to get things straight)

  • Meditation and Yoga: tune into the awareness frequency.  Stay active, flexible, connected to my surroundings.
  • Ho’oponopono (self-transformation technique).  This ancient Hawaiian clearing process has allowed me to love, forgive and accept myself and thus other people.  Simply repeat as a mantra when meditating: I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you and I love you. What am I clearing? Any anger, frustration, insecurity, grudges and all negativity that dwells in my subconscious. You need to be honest and willing to change.
  • EFT and auto-suggestion:  tapping, (Emotional Freedom Techniques) help to release negative feelings and beliefs trapped inside of me. Auto suggestion is just that, ways to suggest positive thinking anywhere, anytime.  (Need for information? just Google it! Like I did. Help is just a search away!)
  • Children: my kids are my legacy. I lead them by example and continue to show them love, respect, compassion and gratitude.  I lead and they will follow. When they grow they will be productive individuals with strong values. I promise so!

And for 2011, CONTINUED

My Personal Statement I want to create unlimited wealth to share with the people I love, whenever I want without restrictions for the rest of my life. In turn I will provide my services as a “personal developer”, helping people change and improve their lives.

My Personal Quote: “You must be the change you wish to see in this world”~Gandhi

My Personal Slogan:  “Do what you say you’re going to do”. Inspired by a dear friend to keep my promise to talk the talk and walk the walk.

De-multitasking strategy for 2011:

Setting up Email and office times (following Tim Ferris’ 4HWW strategy) that will free myself from being in front of the PC all the time so I can do fun stuff and take care of my priorities. Handle one thing at the time until completion or becoming proficient at it. This way I can dedicate the time and energy necessary to do it consistently and do it well.

1st. Quarter Goals:

You Improved Book

  • Create audio-book ( English and Spanish)
  • Book translation ( Spanish, Portuguese)
  • eBook creation
  • Web-site and resources to help others change and improve their lives

Locks of Love

Over the past few months we have been teaching our daughter Karymar how to appreciate the things she unknowingly take for granted. We do not expect our five-year old daughter to comprehend life’s little details, but we think it is best if we start early to teach her about gratitude than to wait for her little brain to analyze the concept as she gets older. In one of many casual conversations, the subject of donating came to surface. Both me and my wife have talked with Karymar about the importance of giving back to others, especially those who don’t have anything. One day Karymar and her mother started talking about Kary’s interest of donating her hair to other children that have no hair. She may have seen a picture of a child with no hair and that may have triggered her interest. We found an organization called “Locks of Love” who provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children suffering from long term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. Last Saturday I took Karymar to the hair salon to make the commitment. We have asked her several times whether she was sure to have her long hair cut for this cause and in all occasion she replied a resounding “Yes”. We wanted to be sure that she knew why she was doing this, that it was not just another haircut and she knew it very well. She never stopped smiling while she was getting her hair on a ponytail but gasped in amazement when the ponytail was cut. I scaled yet another level of proudness; my chest was heaving with pride, big smile from ear to ear. The stylist was so impressed with Karymar’s deed and didn’t charge us anything for the haircut. We walked outside, holding hands, and I asked her “do you know what we are going to do with your lock of hair Kary?” She said “yes Papi, I am donating it so other children can have hair”. I am proud of you honey, I love you.

Don’t Worry Be Grateful

Are you having one of those days that just

got started off the front foot?

Don’t worry, it happens to everyone.  The most

important question is what are you going to do

now?  Are you going to let yourself get into

a funk or are you going to turn it around?

Be grateful! When you are grateful, it is impossible to focus

on the negative and you instantly start shifting

towards a positive point of view with will automatically

start to make you feel good (1).

An altruistic sense of giving today may find you being generous with your time and energy. You may find yourself involved in charity work, or perhaps there is someone in your life who could benefit from your desire to help. We may feel selfless when we give our time, talent, energy, or finances. We also gain the good feeling that glows within us from the joy of giving, as well as the resultant increase in the good in our lives. This selflessness may be found in the intent, however, for when we give without thought to what we will gain, we are more likely to benefit than if we give with ulterior motives. Sincerity is meaningful between people as well as energetically, so follow your desire to give and let the giving be its own reward.

We are all called to give differently using our unique talents and abilities. Some organizations or causes may move us more than others, and we should follow that feeling. The universe is urging us to the place where we can make the most difference. It is also important to balance giving with allowing yourself to be nurtured. If you give all you have, you may not be able to keep giving. Energetically, giving and receiving are two aspects of the same energy. By following your inspiration to help today, you place yourself in the cycle of giving and receiving and will be nourished (2).

(1)   Go to and start being grateful  about everything because there is a lot to be grateful about. When I read this message for the first time , I immediately thought about you.

(2)   Sign up for your DailyOM messages at These are thought  provoking and inspiring to get you going and soon you will find, just like I did,  that it is talking straight at you.

These messages are just a small fraction of the treasure chest  full of good things to make you a better person. They are worth reading, emulating and sharing with others. I find myself smiling when I read them, knowing that it is making wonders to my thinking and being. Gratitude is everything, so be appreciative of  the people  surrounding you and treat them just as you would like to be treated. Be thankful for what you have right now, which was once among the things you wish you had and do good, pay it forward without expecting anything in return. You will feel the shift inside you, just like I did and how satisfying it is indeed.

My women: a mother, a wife, a sister and a mother-in law

To the women who are important in my life, I want to express my gratitude to you. To my mother, for unconditional love; a good face through adversity, going forward no matter what might be troubling her when she is not at her best, regardless of what condition she may be suffering, she never complains, always keeping her good spirits with a smile and strong will. I salute you mom, I love you. To my wife, the mother of my children, thank you for bearing our offspring. Our house is filled with the love and happiness only children and good family values can bring. I appreciate what you put through, your support and your ever improving compassion. I love you my dear wife in good times and bad times. To my sister, an exceptional mother of my niece and godson, I congratulate you and admire you for your motherly instinct, always prepared for any situation, how you have faced adversity in the past and your newfound attitude towards life. My lending ear, my resting shoulder and impartial counselor, I love you dear sister. To my mother in law, yes, you are very important to me and I love you. I thank you for always being there when we needed you in good time and bad times, day or night, always our support, caring for our children wherever we go. You are endowed with the seed of caring and that is what you do best. I appreciate you, thank you for what you do for us, for your daughter and for your grandchildren. Finally, but equally important to all the mothers that are considered our friends, I salute you on your day. You have brought happiness in our lives in some way and I appreciate it.  May God brings you closer to whatever goals you propose, the strength and will to follow through and good health to enjoy it all. Happy Mother’s day to you!

Confessions of a social network addict

I am addicted to social media. I just can’t get enough. I want to be seen, share my thoughts with the whole world, encouraging ideas and of course promoting my businesses. Here I sit in front of the computer, my indispensable companion, communicating my dreams and goals, my accomplishments and frustrations through the gateway of the virtual world. I facebook my life, linkedin my business profile, squidoo my pages, feedburner my site. Who do I want to contact?, who wants to contact me? I go by many aliases: mrgman, gmanblog, gmaninspection, carmarielos, karymarielos or simply search me by my name. What to share? why not all that moves and inspires me. Tweet my thoughts? I wonder, why not…maybe I tumblr a micro blog or stumbleupon some really interesting sites. Bookmarking my favorite links is A good article might interest you there. Let me plurk you my life as it happens, share my goals on 43things, and make new friends on youtube, my window for everything I want to know. WordPress is hot, now I can publish my blog. Write, write, write! Do I yahoo? Of course I do. You ziggs me? Why won’t you, don’t you digg it? I am going technorati to the beat of my ideas, broadcasting with others who are in agreement with me or not, is all good here. Bing, Bing! that’s the ticket to my success, right here, right now, touching lives, making a difference, feeling the gratitude, pinging my updates, posting feelings with emotions and gratitude on my virtual log for the whole world to network. Don’t judge me and spare me the politics though. Just link with me, follow me, add me as your friend, download my content, flickr my pictures. Go on network with me, just do it and google my world.